Flexus AG

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Wir – die Würzburger Flexus AG – haben uns in den vergangenen 25 Jahren auf die Optimierung intralogistischer Prozesse spezialisiert. Hierfür bieten wir Ihnen umfangreiche Softwareprodukte und Beratungsleistungen an. Als SAP Silver Partner bieten wir Ihnen von der Analyse Ihrer Potenziale bis hin zur Konzeption und Umsetzung von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung Ihres Materialflusses alles aus einer Hand. Dies basiert auf unserer langjährigen Erfahrung im Bereich der mobilen Datenerfassung und der Implementierung von Stapler- und Transportleitsystemen. Zum Einsatz kommen dabei unter anderem unsere Flexus Add-Ons für SAP.

All apps from Flexus AG

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Truck RegistrationsYard Management
by Flexus AG
Display all truck registrations as a list with the status to each assigned driver
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SAP Long text maintenanceTools & Dev
by Flexus AG
SAP long text maintenance optimized with SAP Fiori App with included translation functionality.
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"Means of transport" management in YardYard Management
by Flexus AG
Manage and customize "means of transport data" for later self-registration for drivers
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Loading control with photo functionOutbound Deliveries
by Flexus AG
Document your HU loading process with photos.
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SAP Translation Tool as a cockpitTools & Dev
by Flexus AG
SAP translations as an online cockpit or for export/import to Excel.
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Yard time slot planning with mobile phoneYard Management
by Flexus AG
Truck drivers can interactively book slots and times in advance
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Registration action: print run cardYard Management
by Flexus AG
Print run cards after truck drivers registered themselfs at a self.registration terminal.
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Send message to pager/mobile phoneYard Management
by Flexus AG
Send targeted messages to phones and pagers of office employees, truck/forklift drivers and more.
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Truck driver managementYard Management
by Flexus AG
Create, change and assign driver data directly by truck drivers themselfs or centrally
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Online registration trucks with cargoYard Management
by Flexus AG
Basic package for online registration for trucks
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Show barcode with registration numberYard Management
by Flexus AG
Display barcode with registration umber for identification on entry or exit.
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Report Kanban containerInternal Warehouse Processes
by Flexus AG
The mobile application Kanban-Impuls is used to report Kanban containers full and empty.
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Pager management for Yard ManagementYard Management
by Flexus AG
Fiori app to manage your pagers. Specifically developed for Yard Management.

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