Logistics - Yard management

List of mobile SAP Fiori® apps that can help you manage yard management more efficiently.

Mobile SAP Fiori apps for logistics operations and yard management
The complexity of yard management lies in the large number of external influences that can hardly be predicted or influenced. Truck drivers from external suppliers, traffic jams and other traffic influences should be shielded from internal processes by effective yard management. With the help of mobile SAP® apps, many problems can be solved before they even arise and normal operations can also be made more efficient.
One advantage of SAP Fiori, especially for Yard Management, is the ability to develop applications for smartphones as well. Since many contacts take place with people outside the company itself (for example, freight forwarders, truck drivers, or suppliers), SAP Fiori apps are particularly suitable here because they can be accessed via a browser. This means that partners do not have to install SAP Gui or even have their own users created. All persons outside the own company can exchange information via simple browser-based apps. Since Fiori applications, if implemented correctly, can also be used on smartphones, this is a major advantage, especially for truck drivers.

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