
This website is not part of or affiliated with SAP SE in any way. We are a third party that wants to show the advantages of using SAP Fiori®. It is a useful new technology whose increased adoption benefits everyone in the SAP ecosystem. Our goal is to increase the adoption of SAP Fiori® by making it easy to understand and discover or publish apps.

All mentions of SAP, SAP Fiori, SAP HANA, SAP NetWeaver, and SAP S/4HANA are registered trademarks of SAP SE or its affiliates in Germany and several other countries.

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Dear SAP,

this is not a commercial product. We do not want to earn any money from this website. We genuinely want to help companies understand and use SAP Fiori®. We believe this is the future within the SAP ecosystem and will benefit everybody: Users finally have a modern UI that can be used on a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone, most new developers from universities are already familiar with HTML and JS which reduces training time and consultancies can have a unified portfolio of apps that can be used by every customer.

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Thank you very much.

This website is not part of or affiliated with SAP SE in any way. We are independent and want to promote the advantages of SAP Fiori®.

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SAP, SAP Fiori, SAP HANA, SAP NetWeaver and SAP S/4HANA are registered trademarks of SAP SE or its affiliates in Germany and in several other countries - Copyright