SAP Translation Tool as a cockpit
SAP translations as an online cockpit or for export/import to Excel.

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SAP Translation Tool as a cockpit

SAP translations as an online cockpit or for export/import to Excel.
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With the FLX-TranslationImportExportManager (FLX-TIEM) and the FLX-TranslationCockpit (FLX-DTC) Flexus AG provides you with two practical tools for the easy and fast handling of your SAP translation projects. In SAP rollouts to other countries, the translation of in-house developments is a significant factor for the successful completion of the project. The SAP standard only offers the translation of standard transactions (SAP translation standard) into various target languages. For this reason, the in-house developments must all be translated manually, which represents an enormous time factor and significant transmission problems to translation agencies. The translation environment provided by SAP requires a great deal of up-front work as well as the use of a large number of transactions. SAP offers a number of very integrative ways to translate development environments and tables. Transaction SE63 is used to access the tools and functions to start the translation project. Before that, however, the translation environment must be set up with the transactions SLWA and SLWB and the packages must be assigned. Only now can the translation process be started. All translations are carried out online in the system via the SAPEditor and allow only limited mass editing by external parties.
With the help of the translation tools of Flexus AG you can reduce the time-consuming setup and administration of system properties by the system administration to a minimum. After calling up the desired transaction, you can directly select the worklist or packages to be translated and export the objects via mass or individual processing. Combined advantages of using two modules:
FLX-TranslationImportExportManager (FLX-TIEM) for the fast import and export of all SAP objects to be translated and the FLX-TranslationCockpit - (FLX-DTC) for the control and post-processing of the imported SAP objects.
The following Flexus translation tools are available:
FLX Translation Cockpit (FLX-DTC) The FLX-DTC is used to control the imports as well as the interactive translation of SAP objects. This tool is ideally suited for the targeted translation of individual SAP objects.
With the FLX-DTC you select your pool of translatable objects in SAP using the various filter functions. Screens, reports, data elements, domains and picklists with fixed values can be selected interactively here and selected online via a reference to development packages or SAP transport files.With the SAP standard functions, you can define layouts and save them individually for each object. After selecting the start and target language, you can quickly see in the results list which objects still require translation. In the column Target language you only have to enter your translation. After saving, the texts are directly entered into SAP.
FLX Translation-ImportExportManager (FLX-TIEM) This tool is used to translate large amounts of data and objects. After selecting the translation objects, the export to Excel can start. Depending on the object types, e.g. messages, screens or data elements, these are made available as folders in an Excel file. The Excel files can be forwarded directly to a translation agency. The Excel file can only be edited by the translation texts in the "Target language" column. All interactive options such as sorting, copying and deleting are available within the Microsoft Excel standard.