Discover SAP Fiori® apps, articles & news
Everything about SAP Fiori® in one place: The latest apps, news, articles and guides.
Trending SAP Fiori® Apps
Which SAP Fiori® apps are available? What advantages do they have? Why should I use them?
News, Guides & Articles
What's new? What is SAP Fiori® and how does it work?
SAP® Mobile Topics
What mobile SAP solutions are available for individual topics, processes and problems?
Popular apps this month
The order of the most popular apps is calculated based on views and contact requests. This list is updated once a month. As soon as more apps are available, the update will be done weekly.

What happened last month?
Latest articles & guides
Stay informed about the benefits and developments of SAP Fiori® apps. Learn in which situations you should use them and when you should rather stay with SAP® GUI applications.
Why SAP Fiori now?
Why now is the best time to start developing SAP Fiori apps (for startups, freelances and even student)
What is SAP Fiori®?
Understand the basics of SAP Fiori®. The principles, origin and what it actually is.
Advantages of SAP Fiori®
What are the advantages of SAP Fiori® for users, developers and companies?
List of useful resources
Understand the basics of SAP Fiori®. The principles, origin and what it actually is.
State of Fiori® in 2020
What is the current state of SAP Fiori® in october 2020?
Read more here:
Recently published apps
Keep track of the latest developments and which apps are currently being released. Maybe there is something for you?

What is
Our goal is to provide a comprehensive picture of SAP Fiori® and SAP® Mobile topics. This includes apps, but also articles, guides, news and opinions.
In the future, we would like to publish experiences, reports and assessments from experts: Why did they choose SAP Fiori? What went well and poorly during the implementation? What would they do differently in the future?
Frequently Asked Questions
This platform is not intended to certify apps or offer them for direct purchase. Rather, its purpose is to collect information and assessments about everything related to SAP Fiori and SAP Mobile in general. This includes articles, news, but also apps. Companies can post their apps here so that visitors can get an overview of what problems can be solved with them or search directly for solutions to their problems.
Yes, of course. All you have to do is create an account and then have the company profile activated. This usually takes only a few minutes. After that, you can create and publish as many apps as you want in just a few minutes. Here is more information
On the one hand, we try to connect you with prospects and generate contacts for you. On this page visitors will find not only apps but also general information. This gives you the opportunity to attract the attention of people who were not directly looking for you or your solution.
On the other hand, we offer a whitelabel solution. You can place your apps here and if you want to include these apps on your own website in the future, this is possible without any problems. With the whitelabel solution the UI and logo will be adapted to your CI, only your apps will be visible and everything will be accessible under a subdomain of yours.